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184 Main Collins Street | West victoria 8007

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Auto Tech Apprenticeship

Auto Tech Apprenticeship

Become an EV or Hybrid Vehicle Apprentice in just 18 months!

Explore careers in the automotive industry

Auto Tech Students

Students with instructor working on auto engine



CFADA General Career Path

CFADA General Career Path

Five reasons why an EV Apprenticeship maybe right for you

  1. EV registrations increased 63% around the nation (Automotive News, May 2023).
  2. Top EV brands include Chevrolet, Ford, Volkswagen, Rivian, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Tesla, Hyundai, Kia, Audi, Nissan, and Polestar.
  3. EV tax incentives promote EV adoption.
  4. The American used-EV retail sales through licensed dealerships grew 32% in the first quarter of 2023 (WardsAuto, 2023).
  5. “a transition to all electric vehicles by 2035 would save Americans $2.7 trillion while adding 2 million new jobs…” (UC Berkeley).

Complete the form to learn more.

Automotive EV Apprenticeship


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