Marketing Tips
Three tips to help your marketing strategy. Whatever marketing strategy you use, here are three things to keep in mind. Diversify marketing channels - consider what is offering more value for the money. Consumers use multiple channels daily, but they are not compelled to purchase from every channel. For example, they may see an ad on tv and ignore it. They may see a similar ad for the same product on Twitter and decide to buy and vice versa. Where one consumer buys may be different than another. Keep in mind that consumers are everywhere so you should be as well. You need to advertise in...
Digital Advertising Basics
Tips to improveĀ your socialĀ media presence Many years ago, when my grandmother came to the US for the first time, she was awestruck by the windy city. She was a businesswoman well-traveled within her country, but nothing compared to Chicago. I remember once seeing her sitting in front of the microwave in the kitchen. She was trying to figure out how to turn on the "tv". At the time, we had very old equipment which meant that both the TV and the microwave had turn dials and they were both boxy. One of my dad's friends, a baby boomer, wondered how he could keep a copy of the...
Content that drives traffic, the opportunity
Growing fixed Ops with online content, part 1 Dealerships have many opportunities to invite visitors to their website to do more than buy a car. Consumers already have many ways to buy a car that do not include a dealer. However, servicing a car cannot be done online, but online you can find customers who need their cars serviced. It all starts with a digital content strategy that helps drive repair traffic to your site and eventually to your store. You can begin by publishing blogs or vlogs (video blogs) about the types of services you offer, what the services entail, and how you approach the repair....