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Marketing Tips

Three tips to help your marketing strategy. Whatever marketing strategy you use, here are three things to keep in mind. Diversify marketing channels - consider what is offering more value for the money. Consumers use multiple channels daily, but they are not compelled to purchase from every channel. For example, they may see an ad on tv and ignore it. They may see a similar ad for the same product on Twitter and decide to buy and vice versa. Where one consumer buys may be different than another. Keep in mind that consumers are everywhere so you should be as well. You need to advertise in...

The Young and the Restless- Generation iPad

Using  OTT to reach Gen Z consumers When I mention the young and the restless I am talking about the group of consumers who comprise the younger market segment. These are generation Y known as millennials and generation Z known as post-millennials, the iGeneration, and generation Tech. Generation Z consumers are reportedly better multi-taskers, less focused, and are less likely to look for bargains than millennials. They are also deemed more entrepreneurial than their predecessors. Generation Z also has higher expectations of brands. They’ve grown up with instant gratification and that is what they expect. Being a fully technical generation, they are not loyal tv viewers....

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