Why become an apprentice?
For many years, a college education has been the way to get to a successful STEM career. The little known path, however, is through an automotive apprentice. Auto Techs work in all of the fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) because today's cars are computers on wheels. You can be a successful auto tech, a master tech even with a college degree or through an apprenticeship. What is an apprenticeship? It is learning as you are working in your field. You still have to do some reading and class work, but most of your skills come from the specialized training you receive at...
One person, one hour, one price- Is that really possible?
Why transparency and speed in car sales matter. Buying a car has always been a family affair. Families used to go to dealerships and look at cars, test the features, drive it around the neighborhood and spend a day with the salesman negotiating the price. Cars have always been a large purchase and the process has always been lengthy. Part of the reason for the extended process was the limited information available to consumers. Most of the research took place at the dealer’s lot. Today, consumers do not have to go to a dealership to look at cars, ‘test’ the features, or even understand how it...
Content that drives traffic, the numbers
Growing fixed Ops with online content, part 2 Enhancing your site with content marketing including video marketing can provide your store a competitive advantage. Video marketing is currently a top marketing tool. People looking for new vehicles and vehicle repairs search on Google and YouTube. Google is the #1 search engine for information and YouTube is the #1 search engine for car buyers. The cost of servicing a car has grown by 159% and so has the opportunity for dealers to help customers. Customers can find you online if they see content that helps them understand how their vehicles work and what is required to keep them in...
Industry Evolution: Ridesharing, Autonomous Vehicles, and Subscription Services
An Industry in Evolution By now, your head may be spinning from all the news about the changes in the industry. Carvana’s 3,300+ ads make it clear that they believe the dealer can be excluded from the car buying experience. The five major campaigns include “The New Way to Buy a Car,” “Don’t Play the Game: Stan,” “Anything for Love,” and “Don’t Play the Game: Mitch.” If you or your customers are anything like me, you may like the new options for purchasing a car, but you still want some TLC (tender loving care). TLC is where dealers show their value. When I buy a new...
Thirty Minutes to Sell a Car?
Sell at the Speed of the Market Can you sell a car in under an hour? If a customer comes in ready to buy, how long does it take to sell the car? If they know what they want, the car is in your lot, and they are pre-approved, can you sell a car in 30 minutes? At this time, you may be asking yourself about my mental state. How can she even suggest that we can sell a car that fast? I have bought my share of cars and I am aware of the process. The sales process is lengthy, and it requires the involvement...