Content that drives traffic, the numbers
Growing fixed Ops with online content, part 2
Enhancing your site with content marketing including video marketing can provide your store a competitive advantage. Video marketing is currently a top marketing tool. People looking for new vehicles and vehicle repairs search on Google and YouTube. Google is the #1 search engine for information and YouTube is the #1 search engine for car buyers.
The cost of servicing a car has grown by 159% and so has the opportunity for dealers to help customers.
Customers can find you online if they see content that helps them understand how their vehicles work and what is required to keep them in optimal condition. Once they find you and consume your content, they know where to go for help.
You can take the online strategy a step further and give customers the ability to schedule repairs via their phone. AutoNet found that customers that have access to their dealer’s fixed ops via an app have a better experience and have more visits to their dealership.
As you can see from these figures, customers that get more value from their dealers provide more value to their dealers.
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